Hi Ladies! Have you ever been working on a layout and you can’t think of anything to say? No journaling is coming to your mind? Suzy shared a great idea for that kind of writer’s block: Start with ONE WORD. Just the first word that comes to mind when you look at the photos…or think about the memory. Brainstorm about that one word. When I do this the word often ends up as my title. But it gives me a place to start…and it usually gets my journaling going again. For example, on this layout…when I looked at the photos, the story seemed kind of obvious. Kids playing? Teasing the baby? Nothing really sounded right. But when I thought of ONE WORD that described these photos, it was anticipation. The anticipation that Em would come crawling around the corning kept my little man’s attention…and when she did, he would squeal with delight and try to climb on Nat’s head.
THAT was what I needed to get me going …. just one word.
Here are some other designs from the Creative Team, to give you some other ideas for using ONE WORD.