Hello Friends! Do you have a hard time digital scrapping about yourself even though you know it’s important? Chelle has really been encouraging us to “get in the photos” this year. All About Me is another way to encourage ourselves to scrap about us. Here are some ideas I thought of… I hope they help!
- Try a simple layout to introduce yourself
- Favorite things that happened during the previous month
- You don’t always need a picture… you might wait around for a “perfect” photo.
- What’s your biggest fear?
- Lists
- Favorite places to sit and reflect
- Which season is your favorite, Why?
- Your BFF?
- Hobbies
- Favorite date with your hubby or special person
- Why you are a morning or night person
- Favorite reads
- Favorite movies
- Favorite poem or scripture
- Favorite picture of yourself
- I wish….
- I wish I’d thought of that….
- Who do you look like?
- Favorite snack or candy bar?
- If I could eat anything I wanted, it would be…
Here are some ideas from the creative team.
First up is Jen (SuperGirlJennie). This layout has my taste buds watering. Jen’s All About Me subject is trying to give up chocolate. The candy bar cluster is a very elegant cluster. I like the use of the striped stitched paper.
Next Tammy (CraftyTam) used “Wanderlaust” as her All About Me prompt and her desire to travel. When I look at the layout, I too, want to travel. I like the way she combined so many different elements, and it has me looking at her layout to think about where I would like to visit.

Tammy (CraftyTam) She used Traveler, Traveler AddOn, Wet Paint, CU Vintage Maps, Spilled, CU Stitch Tool Kit, CU Feathers, One Year Older, Me and My Shadow & Aviator
Donna (djp332) used the All About Me prompt of I wish as she thought of her daughter’s wedding. What a lovely thought. I really like the angle of her side border, it’s unusual and really adds to the layout. Her daughter will cherish it always.
I’d really like to see what you create with the All About Me prompt for your layouts. Share them in the gallery at scrap orchard. I check them out every week and will be on the lookout for your digital scrapbooking .