Can you believe Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away, I need to get going on my digital scrapbooking layouts. I”m grateful all year long, but I really focus on it around this U.S. Holiday. Well, our new team members have upped our game at layouts and I can’t wait to show you what they did.

Kassie (Kass_23) shares her thankfulness for her children. I love those smaller pictures of her kids in addition to the large photo.

Kassie (Kass_23) She used Give Thanks

Next we have, Christine (CarolinaScrapper) She did some awesome clustering and then shares a list of things she is thankful for. I really like the way she spaced out her list.

Christine (CarolinaScrapper) She used Give Thanks

Last, Cami (camijo) shares how thankful she is for Missionaries. She used Choose The Right {Missionary} & Make A Missionary kits.

Cami (camijo) She used Choose the Right (Missionary) B

Here are the kits used in these 3 layouts.

cc_givethanks     cc_CTRmakeamissionary      cc_CTRmissionary

What are you thankful for? Scrap it and load it in the gallery. I can’t wait to see what you create.
