Yay! Welcome to Chelle’s month-long celebration!  This wee our “game” is a super exciting one.   Do you love Chelle’s clay creations?  If you could have Chelle create anything you desire, what would it be?  Now is your chance!


Downloads for this link are no longer active.  Get Your Grill On will be available for purchase at a discount at the end of June.

And now for the download:


See you Tomorrow!


  1. crystalnva

    THANK YOU ;~} bunches for the great downloads….Is there a jar of mayo or pickles to go with Grill`n  collection ? Just thought Id ask :)

  2. Julie

    I have enjoyed these daily downloads so much!!! Thank you, thank you.   This kit is amazing and YOU are an amazing and generous designer!

  3. Anne OfAlamo

    just poppin in to say thank you again! I am amazed at the fun that keeps coming! love it! and oh jar of pickles, or just pickles pure delightful idea!

  4. Sylvia L.

    @Annie: If Chelle doesn’t get a chance to update the link, I’ll try to post the link that was given at the Scrap Twister event. Unfortunately, it will have to wait until I get home this evening :(

    On another note, I am loving the clay art. I had to buy the safari, jungle and bug kit. But you know? I would really love to see an artic/ocean theme that can be used for pictures taken at Sea World and other aquarium parks (hint, hint, lol). My godson absolutely loves penguins! I hope to take him to Sea World one day so he can see them in person :)

  5. Cheryl

    Lovin’ the downloads, can’t wait to get the entire kit as I think it will be nearly perfect for my grandson’s cub scout pack picnic and raingutter regatta layout. Thanks again!!!

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  7. Pam

    Thank you sooooo much for the awesome grilling kits! They will be used for this summer’s get-togethers. Do you have any plans to make kits for “Harry Potter”? It’s difficult to find these to use for pictures from the Universal Studio in Orlando. THANKS!

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