Hey everybody! Hope your Wednesday is going G-R-E-A-T! This week’s topic is perspective. I was talking with Chelle last night and we were brainstorming perspective. She gave these ideas: What if your “things” could talk to you? Your purse: “Would you quit stuffing things in me? I am getting SO overweight? Besides, if you put less in here, then you could FIND your keys.”Your paypal account: “Holy Moses! You are working me to the BONE this week. Look at all these fantastic things you’ve found.”Your alarm clock: “Hey. Quit hitting me. It’s not my fault you went to bed at _____. Come on. Get up. You’ve got a busy day ahead of you. If you don’t hurry the kids will miss the school bus.”So, if you nightstand could talk, what would it say? How about your cell phone? Remote Control? Garage Door?
So I set out thinking about other ideas during my workday. What about plants, what do they think? “Blah Blah Blah, she says the same thing everyday…. over and over again. Does she think I’m deaf or have Alzheimer’s? Here comes that woman with the mister (hose). Does she think we aren’t thirsty, I don’t care about optimum watering times, I want a drink now! Shiny leaf spray? Whoppie! Those bugs/insects are going slide right off of me!”
Or weeds at the side of the road? “Here comes that dog again. Wish I had a sneeze screen that could spray him instead of him spraying me. Ooh! Here comes a kid with shoelaces, I’m gonna attach myself to them and go for a little ride around the yard. I’ll get out of this (barrow) pit yet. Here comes that Swather (tractor), it’ll probably run right over me AND cut my head off!”
A trampoline? “I have the best view of the starry sky each night. I’m the most romantic toy on the playground. Why do they keep on jumping and jumping and jumping? I can only stretch for so long. My stretch marks have stretch marks! Pul-ease, pul-ease don’t point your toenails!”
What could you see with a little change of perspective? Here’s what the CT came up with. Heather’s (aka snowdrop) up first with Chelle’s Oh Snap Kit. It’s amazing how often the team uses the Oh Snap! ellies. Great idea Heather!
Next we have Jenn Schultz. Love the teacup’s perspective. Funny! She used Chelle’s new Tea for Two Bundle.
I bet you have dozen’s of ideas simmering in your teapot. Try changing up your LO’s with a change in perspective.