Hello Friends! I can’t believe it’s the middle of March. Time flies when you have fun in Digi–land. This month for unlikely pairs, we challenged the CT to come up with a digital scrapbooking layout using In the Backyard & Hippity Hop Hop.
Eeeeek! I’m in love. Carol made this delightful layout with fun clusters. I want to go to her Easter egg hunt!

Donna shares some fance new Eater dresses. Aren’t they adorable.

Next, I’ll show you the In the Backyard and Hippity Hop Hop goodies in Chelle’s store. (just click on the images for the details.) These are really great kits. I want to hunt up some easter pictures and use these 2 kits. How about you?”

If you haven’t tried any of Chelle’s Little People, this is a great one to start with. Just type “Little People” into the search engine at Chelle’s store, and you’ll see more of the “Little People” series.

Hippity Hop Hop makes me want to go outside and wiggle my toes in the grass, and then start hunting for Easter treats.

Where would we be without Chelle’s darling alphas? Love that dotted line in the middle of the letters.

Try these 2 products together. Please put your layout in the forum. I would LOVE to see what you create.