Hi Fellow Scrappers! Does your family have a favorite saying…maybe it’s a movie quote…or a phrase from an inside joke. Those sayings make great words for your digital scrapbooking layouts for your scrapbooks. Digital scrapbooking family phrases will add to the overall historical value of the scrapbook pages your create. It will also add laughter and much humor. Let me show you what I mean.

Roxana gave us her top phrases from a Mommy’s point of view. I think Mom’s everywhere can “feel” these phrases. Put on your shoes, order all your toys, eat all your food, are you listening to me, & pick up all your Legos. She used Oh Snap! & Traveler Snips Alpha (Part of the Traveler Collection).
Here’s my mommy phrase story: “You Can Do it!” My Mom (Chelle’s Grandma) started dating at age 14 (1945) and engaged at age 15 (1946). She dropped out of high school when she married Dad (1947). Whenever we would come home with a school question or something we needed help with, Mom would always say, “You can do it.” Of course, if Mom thought we could do it, we could. I didn’t find out until years later that she said we could do it, because she didn’t know how to help us because she’d dropped out of high school. Mom went back to finish high school in 1975 (ish) and graduated in 1978. She was 45 when she started and 48-49 when she graduated. It was something my grandparents always wanted her to do.

I love Karen’s “Stiner-isms.” All of our families’ have funny sayings or stories that become sort of evolve into “Legendary Status.” Karen’s Huggie and funny childhood phrases as our kids learn to speak. Karen used Apple of my Eye Collection.
Here’s another of our family stories. My Dad (Chelle’s Grandpa) was a door-to-door salesman in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho for Fuller Brush and Watkins Companies. When Dad would come home, he would sit down in his recliner and say, “Girls, take off my shoes & socks.” They were not always a pleasant odor. I tried to avoid it. We’ll say about 25 years later, my brother Matt (Chelle’s Uncle) opened a dairy/ice cream store in Rexburg, Idaho. I was at his house one night when he got home from the store. He walked in, sat down in his recliner and said, “Girls, come take off my shoes and socks!” My sister Barbara and I laughed and laughed. It took Matt a couple of minutes and then he started to laugh also. Silly family stories.
Dad would often get home at night quite hungry and we’d quickly get him is dinner. After he ate a few minutes, he would always say, “That was a great appetizer, now what’s for dinner?”

Jan (quiltymom) shares a layout about her Great Grandma and a funny thing she used to do, that became a lifetime activity. Love her clustering. It’s not always easy to do a picture-less layout, but Jan did a super job. I bet all of use have a funny story or memory about our Grandparents. Jan used Traveler Quickies & Autumn Potpourri Alpha.
One last funny for you. Whenever we needed to do a job/chore none of us wanted to do, we would say, “We need to clean Mom’s fridge out, and my me, I mean you.” We still use that a lot. We need to go buy & pay for groceries, and by me, I mean you. It has so many options and uses. {snicker, snicker, giggle, laugh)
I bet you’ll have a hundred funny little stories like this when you think of them. Some of them sentimental, some of them a bit ironic, but still part of what makes you and your family, you. Scrap ’em! They’ll be the funniest of things for your grandchildren or great-grandchildren to read.