Hello Digiland! I am Julie and I present to you this week’s Unlikely Pairs! Today we will be viewing the combination of two (and an add on) of Chelle’s kits: “Prehistoric,” “Back 2 School,” and “Back 2 School: Fall Semester.” I know, dinosaurs and school?! Together? Not likely, right? Wrong! These two kits are wonderful together! Here are some layouts made by some of Chelle’s talented Creative Team members to show you how you can make beautiful pages with “unlikely pairs!”
First, take a look at the kits.
Now here are the layouts using these kits.
First off we have one by Roxanna using Prehistoric, Back 2 School, and Back 2 School: Fall Semester.
This one by Karen was made using Prehistoric and Back 2 School: Fall Semester.
Ronnie made this one using Prehistoric and Back 2 School: Fall Semester
And Cara made this layout using Prehistoric and Back 2 School
These are amazing layouts!
Next time you find the time to scrap, think about how you can make incredible layouts by using unlikely pairs!