Perfect Pairs: Indian Summer & Taste of Home | Digital Scrapbooking Kit Combinations

Hello! Here in Utah, we are in the midst of Indian Summer and I hope you’ve had a chance to do some digital scrapbooking layouts. It seems like we only have Indian Summer for a few days. This week I challenged our creative team to do layouts combining Chelle’s Indian Summer and Taste of Home Kits. Our ladies jumped right on board. Check these out!

Leah (CatLady)

Leah (CatLady) Her inspiration was the wild turkeys!

Sharon (Sharjen) She used hearts as her inspiration.

Sharon (Sharjen) She used hearts as her inspiration.

Jenn Schultz (jennschultz)

Jenn Schultz (jennschultz) She said “pie” was her inspiration

Jessica Ward (jessicaward)

Jessica Ward (jessicaward) Fall was her inspiration.

Let me show you Chelle’s products that they used.

cc_tasteofhome_preview     cc_indiansummer_kit




Gallery Stand Outs | Digital Scrapbooking Layouts

Hello Friends!

I thought for sure there would be tons of digital scrapbooking Halloween layouts in the SO Gallery! I guess it’s too soon. I imagine all you wonderful scrap artists are waiting for new pictures this year. I did find some great layouts there. Let me show you!

First, Shazzabess. She used See Clearly Now. I like that she used elements for most of the layout, and used the pictures of her daughter as mini0-pictures.

Labdogs42 She used SeeClearlyNow

cc_seeclearlynow     cc_seeclearlynow_alpha

Next, Spudgeon She used Leafy Treetops to create this chore chart. If bright and happy and I think the kiddoes are more likely to do there chores!

Spudgeon She used Leafy Treetops


Next, ToyStoryMomof2. She used Great Outdoors. I like the use of the circle and banner to emphasize the theme, but a large picture of her kids.

toystorymomof2 She used Great Outdoors


Hope I shared some layouts you hadn’t seen and that I have your hands “twitching” to get scrappin! (LOL! I couldn’t resist a halloween-y word.)