Gallery Standouts | Digital Scrapbooking Inspiration

Have you seen the new pin gallery? It’s amazing! I love to look at all the layouts and add a quick comment.  Of course, I get distracted looking at all the amazing digital scrapbooking layouts.

I love this idea. Who would have thought of angry bird shaped pizza? Very creative! This layout was created by Teri (ta_merkins) using Primarily Mini, Master of Disguise; Fly Little Birdie; & Mad Mad Alpha:

#cc #chelle #swl from Chelle's Creations: Primarily Minikit: ; Master of Disguise; Fly Little Birdie; Mad Mad Alpha:  template from Scrapping with Liz

This digital scrapbooking layout is really awesome. While the large photo is dominant, I really love the mini pics of different photos of the Lincoln Memorial. Chelle’s History Lesson provides the alpha which creates impact and establishes importance of viewing a monument to the 14th President of the United States. This layout was created by djp332.

 #swl<br /><br />
#chelle<br /><br />
#wm2<br /><br />
#doublelayout<br /><br />

Is there anything more fun that Winnie the Pooh? Meejay created the fun-loving digital scrapbooking layout using Chelle’s Summer Lovin‘ collection. It almost makes we want a honeypot! Great use of a collection in an off-themed way.

#tcliz Liz's February Template Challenge #swl Summer Lovin' by Chelle's Creations #chelle #disney

Toucanscraps used Chelle’s Toadally Bundle to create her layout entitled Belgium. Love how all the bright and sunny elements help us envision her trip.

Toadally Bundle by Chelle's Creations #chelle Fonts: Janda Someone Like You and You Are Loved both by Kim Geswein. Sketch from the Pagemaps #whatthefont #Europe

Check out these collections! They will spark your imagination and have you reaching for you computer to look through your unscrapped pictures. I look forward to seeing what you create.



Playdate: Lovin Oven Quickpages | Digital Scrapbooking Inspiration

Hello Friends! Chelle’s Aunt Sari here to show you what we’ve been up to recently.  I don’t know about you, but spring just makes me happy. I want to take more pictures and do more digital scrapbooking layouts. Let me show you what Chelle introduced this week.

Chelle released the Lovin from the Oven bundle last December. If you bought the bundle then, you’ll want to complete the collection by adding the quickies. If you didn’t, well now you can see how versatile it is and you’ll want to pick up the bundle as well.

Now some love from the creative team. I picked some favorites. I hope you like them & that they give you some great digital scrapbooking ideas you can scraplift or morph into you own needs. Jan’s layout only took her 5 minutes start to finish. Quickies help you scrap super-fast.  Definitely worth the time they’ll save you.

Roxana (roxanamdm) She used Lovin Oven Quickpages

Roxana (roxanamdm) She used Lovin Oven Quickpages

Jan (quiltymom) She used Lovin Oven Quickies.

Jan (quiltymom) She used Lovin Oven Quickies.

Roxana (roxanamdm) She used Lovin Oven Quickpages

Roxana (roxanamdm) She used Lovin Oven Quickpages

Hope you have a great week! Hugs!

Tip: ScrapPin Basics

Hi Everyone!  It’s Jenn, aka jk703 here to give you a little explanation and some references for the new Scrap Orchard Gallery: ScrapPin. It is the new way to see so many more layouts, comment and love layouts as well as share the love of digital scrapbooking with other scrappers! Once you get the hang of it, the change will be ok. I know… it looks totally new, overwhelming and you are so confused, right!?  Don’t worry – let’s get some info to you and then the links to some of the tutorials and you will be good to go.

First, ScrapPin is similar to an old “cork board” – an easy way to share our digital scrapbook pages by pinning them up for others to see. It is the new gallery at Scrap Orchard, and allows you to upload a layout or by re-pinning a layout to one of your “cork boards.” Any pin that you see in the ScrapPin gallery can be pinned and re-pinned. Note that all re-pins and pins will include a path to the original source of the image and it’s creator.

You will have to join the ScrapPin gallery, either by signing up or through Facebook, Twitter, or directly at the site. Please note that you do NOT need Facebook or Twitter to sign up. After you have registered, you will want to begin pinning your layouts. When uploading a pin to the ScrapPin gallery, you will want to create a board. Boards are created by you, can be edited or deleted, and how you create them is entirely up to you. You can have boards sorted by person, season, designer, hybrid, or whatever you like. Each time you upload, you will have a choice as to what board you would like to add your new pin to. At this point, you will also have the ability to choose a category. The ScrapPin categories are Digital Scrapbooking, Hybrid Scrapbooking, Miscellaneous, and Photography.

Once you have  uploaded a pin to the gallery, your image is available to everyone to admire. They may like your layout, re-pin your layout and even comment on your layout. Liking a layout is simply saying that you like it. Re-pinning a layout could be compared to the old gallery’s Favorites. Comments are wonderful when received and many like to leave feedback for each other. In the old gallery, once you saved a layout to your favorites, you could go back and check them out whoever you wanted. Now, it is the same idea, you can go back and look at all the layouts that you re-pinned for inspiration. You can pin layouts, hybrid projects and photography. Posting in the ScrapPin gallery also allows other users to follow you and your layouts, selectively by board or all of your boards.

When uploading your pin, and you’ve created your board, you will want to enter the credits in for the items that you used to create your layout. Scrap Orchard required you to have some products that are currently in the store, so be sure this is the case (you wouldn’t want your layout accidentally deleted). As for your credits, all you need to list are the items that you used for your layout or project. Credits should include the product name and designer, for each item that you have used for your layout. The next important item are the ScrapPin Hash Tags. Hash tags are when there is a # symbol plus text/words, (example #chelle). When hash tags are used, they can tell you the designers, challenge, and even a description of the kind or type of layout with a quick glance. These are important for the ScrapPin Gallery search feature, and especially important for challenges. After the products and hash tags, you can include a link to the product if you wish. Just as a note, Chelle’s hash tags are #cc and #Chelle. We’d love for you to use them so we can find your layouts and leave you some love!

Here is a run down of all the tutorials that Kami and Mel have made available to help you use the new ScrapPin Gallery:

When I asked the CT what there favorite parts of the ScrapPin Gallery was… here are the answers that I received:

Kassie (kass_23) said that she loves the search box. You can find anything from a kit name to a designer. I also really love the “like” option :)

Brandy (superscrappinmom) mentioned that in the old gallery you had to go through about 10 different steps to upload a layout (including finding the file on my computer, typing in a title and credits, selecting which galleries it needs to go in, clicking through all the different screens, etc). Now I just have the pinning link on my toolbar so I just click it, click my layout, type credits, and click submit. Super easy! AND if I make a mistake and need to edit, I can just click the little edit button and do it once, whereas in the old gallery it had to be edited for each gallery you posted it to.

Hope that is some helpful information and explanations. We love to see your layouts in the gallery, so get on over and register today!

Thanks for coming by!



Multi Font Titles | Digital Scrapbooking Words on Wednesday

Hello Everyone! Need to add a punch to your digital scrapbooking layout? Try using multiple fonts in your title. You can pick “matchy-matchy” or “not-matchy” at all. Let your creativity shine and make those titles pop. Let me show you what I mean.

First up is Kariyn Lisa. Isn’t that picture of her daughter holding the fish so darn cute? I think she enjoyed the boating portion of their activity more than the fishing part. Kairyn used In the Pocket {Strips}, Gone Fishin & Gone Fishin Word Art & On the Water. Wouldn’t it be interesting to jump 20 years into the future and see if her daughter (now a Mom) would take her daughter fishing?


Kariyn Lisa Left (kairynlisa) She used In the Pocket {Strips}, Gone Fishing & On the Water

Kariyn Lisa Right (kairynlisa) She used In the Pocket {Strips}, Gone Fishing & On the Water

Next we have Jen G (grahamlikethecrackers) She used About A Boy and CU Dynamic Alpha Doodles. That little guy is going to break some hearts with that blonde hair and blue eyes. Oh, and those dimples! Love how the 3 vehicles look like they just drove off the banner. Great use of 2 large pictures and multiple fonts.
Jen G (grahamlikethecracker) She used About a Boy and CU Dynamic Alpha Doodles
Melissa (pretty peaches) has our last layout for today. She used Gone Fishing, Darling Stitched-a-bet, & Sew Crafty. The wood shutters are a great way to “frame” the picture and the strip of lined paper really creates a stage for her clustering. She used a regular alpha and then placed the alpha stitches precisely where they needed to be. The fonts made me want to look closer at the layout. Last, I love the tape measure in the cluster at the top. Who doesn’t need to measure their award-winning fish?
Melissa (prettypeaches) She used Gone Fishing & Darling Stitched a-bet
Take a chance, change up your fonts. Take you layouts to a new level. Hope to see your digital scrapbooking layouts soon in the pin gallery at Scrap Orchard.

Carrot Patch | Digital Scrapbooking Classics

Did you “Spring Forward” this week? I’ll tell you, I don’t spring in any direction, and this time change in the spring is particularly difficult for me. But, the one good thing it does for me is remind me that Easter is upon us, and I love Easter. I love remembering Easter celebrations of my childhood with new dresses, a special sunrise service, and egg hunts. My sisters and I hunted hard boiled eggs. Of course, we never found all of them, and weeks after Easter an egg or two would surface in all its grossness. Such great memories! Chelle’s team members have been playing with her classic kit Carrot Patch, which is great for vintage Easter and Spring photos as well as the photos of memories from more recent years.

Ronnie had a photo of her family on Easter in 1969 (she’s the cutie in the middle with the curls). She chose to scrap that memory with Chelle’s Carrot Patch kit. The colors in the kit match perfectly with the colors in her older photo. I love the fencing she has used on the top and bottom of her page to frame the large center section. Her clusters of eggs, flowers, and bunnies show off several of the cute elements in this kit.Chelle Creations - Carrot Patch

Carol also had some older photos to use, and she had some cute curls, too! Her photos were black and white since they were from 1953, and they also look fantastic with the muted colors of this collection. I love her Easter bonnet, and  I love the angled slant of her photos and elements. That basket full of eggs is perfect here.CarolJ_thecarrot_patch_zps55e39f5a

Brandy had some more current photos to scrap. Her photos of her children wearing their bunny masks are too cute for words! And, she has accented them so appropriately with the Carrot Patch Word Bits that coordinate with the kit and are included in the bundle. I love how she used the large photo of the baskets on the bottom of the page, and her title uses one of the Carrot Patch Bonus Alphas.easter-baskets-webB

Finally, Leslie also had some modern day photos of an egg hunt that occurred while she was living in Texas. Her neighbor invited the children to hunt eggs, but the eggs were confetti filled. Invariably, these eggs  were smashed on all the kids and the grown-ups’ heads. I love the group photo with the “bunny ears” fingers on some of their heads, and the confetti sprinkles on the corners of her page help to tell the story very well. What a fun day!LABeahm-the-carrot-patch

Here’s a closer look at the Carrot Patch bundle and all the pieces in the market. The images are linked. cc_carrotpatch_bundle_previewcc_carrotpatch_kitcc_carrotpatch_wbcc_carrotpatchalphas_preview

Here’s to hoping you have some spring in your step and are looking forward to a happy Easter celebration!


Gallery Standouts | Digital Scrapbooking Inspiration

Hello Ladies! Got some great new digital scrapbooking layouts to share with you and give you ideas for layouts you might want to create. I’m getting better and going through the SO pin-style gallery. Hope you are too.
Let me start by sharing Wendy Bird’s Hybrid Bookmark. She used Chelle’s In the pocket and Rainbow Greens. Isn’t this a great idea? It’s not to soon to be thinking of teacher presents. School ends in just 3-4 months. I absolutely love the clustering. It gives such dimension, but as we know in the digi world, it’s actually completely flat.
WendyBird's Hybrid Bookmark She used In the Pocket {cards} & Rainbow Greens
She used
In the Pocket {Square}Rainbow Greens

Shari made this delightful layout about their summer fun pinata activity. The large photo of the gentleman really pulled me in. It shows that pinata’s are fun for every age. She used Primary Mini, Celebrate Bold, & Chilln & Grillin.
Pinata Fun by Shari (Left) She used Primary Mini, Celebrate Bold, & Chilln & GrillinPinata Fun by Shari (Right) She used Primary Mini, Celebrate Bold, & Chilln & Grillin

She used:
Primarily MiniCelebrate BundleChilli & Grillin
I think it must be time for a snack, look at this great layoutsw/recipe card. Next up is Lively’s Summer Berry Preserves. I don’t know about you, but I still have snow outside and summer fruit sure looks good to me. livelys {Summer Berry Preserves} She used Chelle's Summer Lovin
She used Summer Lovin.
Summer Lovin
Last I have tpbuffy’s layout about a Water Fight. Love the use of the water splashes and the frames. Cute little clusters. tpbuffy's Water Fight. She used Ready Aim Fire, Make A Splash, & Make A Splash Word ARt
She used Ready Aim Fire Felties, Make A Splash & Make A Splash Word Art.
Ready Aim Fire FeltiesMake A SplashMake A Splash Word Art

Try these kits out. I bet you’ll find you have pictures that could be scrapped into a digital scrapbooking layout (s).

Scrapbook Expo | Digital Scrapbook Classes

Hey Scrappers!  I’ve had some questions about the digital scrapbook classes I’m teaching at the Scrapbook Expo, so here’s the 411:


DIY Subway Art – Friday 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Trendy subway art is ideal for use in your scrapbook, or to hang on the wall. Join us for this step by step tutorial to creating your own subway art in Photoshop Elements. Class members will create a spring subway art to print. Chalked style & vinyl will be demonstrated. Laptop is preferred, but not required.


Digi 101: Setting Sail Friday 12:30 – 2:00 pm & Saturday 1: – 2:30

Master the basics of digital scrapbooking with Photoshop Elements. Layers, templates, & clipping masks will become second nature as you create two stunning layouts.
Classmaterials include a full digital kit.


Digi 201: Smooth Sailing Friday 2:30 – 4:00 pm

It’s all smooth sailing as we learn the ropes of intermediate techniques in digital scrapbooking. Join Chelle as we go from blank canvas to completed layout. Turn your sketches and dreams into reality.


Posters, Handouts & Invitations with PSE Sat 10:00-11:00 am

Create once, print 10 times. Posters, handouts, & Invitations are easier and more fun with digital supplies. Come follow along as we create a party invitation. Get your digi feet wet creating the advertising you need.

Easy Fixes for Less-Than-Stellar Photos Sat 11:30 – 12:30

Let’s face it, good photos are more fun to scrap. Join Chelle as she demonstrates some simple recipes to fix your photos. Take home your own “cookbook” of tricks.

Digi 401: Advanced Techniques Saturday 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Chart a course for the high seas with Advanced digital techniques. Dodge & burn your way to perfect washi tapes. Smudge & layer your way to uber-realistic shadows. Weaving, masking, & blending modes will become second nature as you create works of art.

Friday Freebie! About A Boy | Digital Scrapbooking Freebies

Happy Friday!  Jennifer (aka jmljensen) here to bring you another fabulous freebie from Chelle.  I love March.  Spring is starting to show it’s face and I absolutely love the smell of spring.  And to celebrate spring, my boys are itching to get their bikes out and start riding all over the place.  I don’t know about you, but spring time also signifies a ton of new photo opportunities.  So, I created this fun little word art for all those little boys in your life.  I used About a Boy, which is probably one of my favorites.  I love the color scheme, such wonderful, bright, spring colors and that it’s a boy kit, given I have only boys.     Simply click on the image above to download or click HERE.

Here’s a closer look at this absolutely adorable kit.  

Don’t forget to upload your pages to the new Scrap Pin Gallery and hashtag using #cc and/or #chelle and we’ll leave you some love on your pages.  Thanks for stopping by!


Green Layouts | Digital Scrapbooking Resources

Hey ladies! AumtSaro here with more digital scrapbooking LO ideas. Do you have your green on for St. Patrick’s Day? Maybe your not Irish, but this link from Katie the Scrapbook Lady will give you many ideas of how you can celebrate, make treats, ideas for photos you can take, games you can play, and just general green ideas. Give them a try.

Do you just love green? spring green, sprout green, pine tree green, olive green, kelly green, ivy green, moss green, wild grass green, grass green, & frog green? There are many shades to choose from. Here’s some layouts from our team and one from the SO Gallery to help spark your inner “greenness.”

This layout says Angela Coles in the bottom right corner. So I am giving credit for this layout to her.
Here are links to the products Angela used.

Karen (Karen32)  created this lovely layouts of her daughter. The clustering is amazing and adds depth to the layout.
Karen (karen32)  She used Cu Curled Paper Flowers, Marker Alpha & Gnome Sweet Gnome & GSG Add-On

Here are links to the products Karen used:

Ophelia (navaja77) created this sweet layout of her daughter. Love the layout, the “you are” list, and the use of the butterflies.
Ophelia (navaja77) She used In the Pocket {Square}, Toadally, Flower & Butterfly from Girl Power Reloaded

The flower & button are from Girl Power {reloaded}. Here are links to the products Ophelia used:

Last we have Ronnie (Ronnie_Texas). Love this “Very Irish Person” theme. What a great way to honor your “Irish” ancestry or St. Patrick’s Day in general. Love the use of the 3 fonts and the varying sizes. Love the overall appearance of the layout. It really pulled me in from first glance.
Ronnie (Ronnie_Texas) She used Rainbow Greens & Neutrals, Stitches from Mane Event and Staple from Apple of my Eye
Ronnie used stiches from the Mane Event Collection & staples from Apple of my Eye Collection. Here are links to the products Ronnie used.

Hugs! Remember to put your lo’s in the scrap orchard gallery.