Weaving | Digital Scrapbooking Skills

How many times have you heard the saying, “the devil is in the details?” I must have heard it a dozen times, and yet it’s the details that make a digital scrapbooking page seem three dimensional. If a page has a banner on it but the string running through each eyelet of the banner isn’t shadowed , then the page loses its realism. When it comes to weaving a string through eyelet, the devil doesn’t have to be in this detail. Chelle has a great video tutorial here on her YouTube channel that gives step-by-step help on getting this detail right. It’s a short video, easy to watch on a coffee break and helpful to refer back to each time you need until you have the technique down. Chelle’s team members have made some pages to give you some inspiration.

First, I’ll show you a page with a string woven all around the page, in and around various paper strips on the page. Melissa made this lovely creation with Chelle’s On the Water kit. You can easily see how the string wrapping around the tabs of paper gives the page a three dimensional edge that would be missing if the string was simply on top or below the papers. And, I just have to add that the photo of her baby smiling from behind his pacifier made me chuckle. What a cutie!!On-the-Boat-RS

Next, we’ll look at the pages Shanell made. She made a double page spread, but I am going to show the two halves separately to highlight what she did on each page. First, let’s look at the right half. She has two strings weaving in and around the letters in her title. The strings look like they are holding the letters together on the page, and the shadowing of the strings is perfect. annie-at-christmas-2Next, if you look closely at the left side of the page below, you’ll notice that Shanell has a date tag hanging from a flower cluster on the top left corner of the page. She has woven the string through the hole in the tag to make it look realistic. This is a great way to add that important information to the page and at the same time add some dimension and texture. annie-at-christmas-1

Finally, Roxana took a slightly different approach to weaving. Instead of weaving string, she has woven paper strips cut in a wavy pattern. The same methods of erasing and shadowing apply as shown in the video, but the shape is just a bit larger than the eyelet and string in the example. By the way, she has used Traveler Bundle on her page. travel10

I hope you are inspired to try a bit of weaving. It might be the difference between liking your next page and loving it.


Scrap Skills: Weaving | Digital Scrapbooking Skills

Maybe you’ll remember back in June, I wrote a post here about weaving elements on a digital scrapbooking page. Have you had a chance to try it? Do you need to see Chelle’s excellent videos again? There is one about linking charms here and one teaching you how to weave a string through grommets on a banner piece here. They are short, easy to watch during a coffee break, and very helpful for making a woven element look 3-D and realistic.

Maybe you just need a bit more inspiration? Chelle’s fabulously talented team members have been playing with these techniques again. First, Lynett made a double page and chose to weave a string around the alpha on her title. The string really helps to anchor her title to the photos, doesn’t it?2girlsLynett Just like Lynett, Erica also took a string and wove it around the title elements. Notice how this helps your eye go across the page following those adorable photos. Look at how well they each did the technique with the string going over and under the letters and shadowing the alphas that are covered just a bit.Mint Tea Template- by Little Green Designs
Lady Bug Hugs and E-I-E-I-O- by Chelle's CreationsNext, Jan wove strings all over her page. Take notice of that gorgeous black and white photo, but look also how the strings woven around the flower on the left and the two strings woven together on the right help to give a very realistic texture to the page. fr2Jan Next, Heather followed more of the Linking Charms video technique as she wove a string through the ice skate and tag in her mixed element title. It is very similar to the way Chelle described hanging a charm on the tassel in her video; very subtle, but oh so effective. mkfhof_ladieslp600cHeatherFinally, Jenn made a page using Chelle’s Oh Snap! kit, and she wove the honey ribbon hanger in and out of the negative strip element. Her shadowing is perfect on the ribbon, and her page truly looks 3-dimensional in every aspect. 7_2012_snap_600JennI hope this post has inspired you to hone your weaving skills to give your pages an enhanced, realistic feel. If you try this technique using Chelle’s kits, post your pages to Chelle’s Gallery at Scrap Orchard and let us know. We would love to see your pages and leave you some love!